After each download, ProBoard adds a line to the file DOWNLOAD.LOG. This file's only purpose is to be used by the FC module of PBUtil. FC reads the file DOWNLOAD.LOG and updates file counters in every file listing, to keep up with the number of times every file has been downloaded.
Specifying option -N<xx> instructs PBUtil to create a list of the top-xx downloaded files. This list is named TOPFILES.A?? and is stored in the textfiles-subdirectory. The number of files to be written in this list is <xx>, (eg. -N15).
Specifying option -F instructs PBUtil to ALWAYS create TOPFILES.ASC/ANS/AVT/AVP, even if DOWNLOAD.LOG is empty or doesn't exist.
Option -R rewrites all file listings with the appropriate file count added to each file. This is useful when you have added some new files.
The file counters will be placed before the description of the files.
Eg. PB_220.ZIP [809] Superb BBS program from Belgium !!!! ^^^^^ File Counter - shows how many times file has been downloaded
You can create a file called NOTOPS.CTL to exclude files from being included when the TOPFILES.A?? is created. The format of this file is just <filename>.<extension> Example as follows: