Deletes (kills) certain users from your user file. The criteria are: not having called for a certain number of days, less than a certain number of times called, a certain security level or a combination of these three.
Parameters to use:
Killer to work on.
Combining these three parameters, will remove all users that have called less than <calls> times and haven't called for <# of days>, and that only have the specified <level>. This option comes in handy to remove all users that have called just once, but without removing your new users or users with another security level.
__**Examples:**__ PBUTIL UK -C3 Removes all users that have called only 1 or 2 times. PBUTIL UK -D365 Removes all users that haven't called for the last 365 days. PBUTIL UK -C2 -D100 Removes all users that have called less than 2 times, and removes users that haven't called in the last 100 days. "No-Kill" flags in User Records will be honored. PBUTIL UK -C3 -D5 -L40 Removes all users that have called less than 3 times, and users that have not called in 5 days, but only those with a security level of 40.