If you are operating a RemoteAccess 2.02 BBS system, you can convert your existing userfile, message files, message areas, file areas and menus to the format used by ProBoard. This is done by running your RAFILE EXPORT in your RA system directory, and then running CONVERT.EXE in the ProBoard system directory.
But, before you do ANYTHING, we highly recommend that you back up at least your existing RA files, if not your entire system.
Here's the procedure to follow: - Backup your existing files. - Install ProBoard as explained in the installation instructions. - Change to the RA system directory - Run RAFILE EXPORT (Note: for areas where the FILES.BBS cannot be created in the file area's directory, like for CD-ROM areas, you have to run "RAFILE EXPORT" for each area separately. See your RA documentation for details) - Change to the ProBoard system directory (usually C:\PB). - Copy the following files from your RA message base directory to the ProBoard message base directory: USERS.BBS, USERSXI.BBS, LASTREAD.BBS, MSGINFO.BBS, MSGHDR.BBS, MSGTXT.BBS, MSGIDX.BBS, MSGTOIDX.BBS. - Run CONVERT RA <ra-dir> eg. CONVERT RA C:\RA - Run PBUTIL with the UF parameter. eg. PBUTIL UF - Run PBUTIL with the UP parameter. eg. PBUTIL UP
Things you will have to do manually: - Enter all system parameters in ProCFG (like paths). - Enter the user levels & download limits in ProCFG - Enter any events you have in PROCFG. - Copy any .Q-A files to the ProBoard directory.
For QWK support in ProBoard, you will have to add the QWK name in ProCFG in each message area as RA's MESSAGES.RA does not have a QWK name option.