In ProBoard you can grant different groups of users different rights concerning download limits and maximum online time per day. Additionally, you can limit downloading in a very powerful and flexible way. This is done by defining user levels.
Editing user levels is done in by pressing <Ins> to add a security level, <Del> to delete a security level, and <Enter> to edit an existing security level.
These are the fields to be specified for each level:
Security Level
The user level you are editing.
Time Per Day
Time a user with this level can spend on your system each day.
Kb Download Per Day
Daily download-limit associated with this user level (in Kbytes/day).
Download Delay
Time a user must spend online each call before a download can be made. (Great to calm down excessive downloaders).
Usergroup ID
String of max. 5 characters that identifies this level, eg. NEW, REG, VIP, etc. This is optional. These ID's will be shown when the userlist is displayed (Refer to Menu Function 13).
Free Download
The amount that can be downloaded by users with this level, without having to upload or write messages.
Upload Needed
The percentage of total downloads the user has to upload. Eg. if the upload factor is 15%, and a user has downloaded 1000Kb, he will have to upload 150Kb. Setting this to 0 allows the users to download as much as they want, until the download limit (see below) is reached. Of course, it is impossible to download more than the daily maximum each day.
Free Download/Msg
The amount of Kilobytes that can be downloaded free for each message written. This rewards busy message-writers by increasing their download-limit. The amount of kilobytes is added to the free download number (see above)
Maximum Download
When this limit is set to a positive non-zero value, and a user reaches this limit, his/her level will be changed to the “Fall To” level. Be careful when changing this to a value other than 0 (zero). Doing so may lock out a user if the “Fall To Level” (below) is set to zero. Your user may not be too happy with your BBS should this happen.
Fall To Level
Security Level which user should be assigned when they reach the (above) “Maximum Download” setting.