Personal files can be setup to be sent to users (hatched) from the command line (instead of using the PROCFG/Personal Files menu interface) using PBUTIL's “Hatch File” (HF) function.
Any personal files you setup (hatch) using the PBUTIL HF method will appear in the PROCFG/Personal File menu interface for later review and administration.
The syntax for PBUTIL HF is:
PBUTIL HF files [files...] /T=ToName /F=FromName /D /C
The following are valid options for PBUTIL HF:
<files> A list of the file(s) to be sent as personal file(s). Wildcards and paths are allowed. If the /C option is not used, the files will NOT be copied to the personal files directory specified in PROCFG Options/Paths. If no path is given, PBUTIL will search in the current directory first. If no files could be found in the current directory, the personal files directory will be searched. /T=ToName The name of the user to send the files to. Underscores must be used for spaces in names. ProBoard does not check the user file for valid user names to be entered here so be careful when typing user names that you spell them correctly. /F=FromName The name of the sender of the files. If not specified, the name of the SysOp is used. Again, underscores must be used for spaces. ProBoard does not check the user file for valid user names to be entered here so be careful when typing user names that you spell them correctly. /D Sets the "KILL" (delete) flag for the hatched file(s). This means that the files will be deleted after they have been downloaded by the user if this is specified on the command line. /C Copy the specified file(s) to the Personal Files Directory (specified in PROCFG/Options/Paths). Make sure if you use this option, that you also use the /D option in addition, otherwise the files won't be deleted after download from your Personal Files Directory.
PBUTIL HF C:\PB\PB_220.ZIP /T=Jason Bock /C /D PBUTIL HF *.TXT /T=John_Doe /F=Joe_Sysop