Working with your users records using the User Editor is easy. You can use the user editor to locate/view/change information in a users record. You can also edit a users record while they are on-line by pressing <Alt-E>.
Both ways of editing a users record in ProBoard are virtually identical. ProBoard keeps a user's record in memory while they are online and then writes it back to the user file once they log off. If you want to make changes to a user's record who is online, it is important to use the <Alt-E> method since you will be editing their record in memory. If you use the user editor in PROCFG.EXE to edit the record of a user who is online, any changes you make will be written over by the user record in memory when they log off.
You can use the following keys in the user editor:
Go to the previous user-record.
Go to the next user-record.
Go to the first user-record.
Go to the last user-record.
Exits the User Editor.
Add a new user record.
Toggle the 'deleted' flag of the current user.
Shows flag descriptions for flags you have defined on your BBS. After pressing <Alt-F> another window will appear showing the flags and any descriptions you have defined for them. You can add/edit descriptions for your flags by pressing <Alt-E> in this window, then using the Up and Down arrows to position on the flag. Then simply type the description you want and press <ESC> to exit that field, and <ESC> once again to exit the flag description window.
Opens a secondary window listing your user records. Several powerful functions are available here to make finding and editing your users much easier. Press the <F1> key, and ProBoard will display a help screen containing information on the following items.
<PgUp> ..... Moves to the previous screen page of user records. <PgDn> ..... Moves to the next screen page of user records. <Home> ..... Moves to the first record in the user file. <End> ..... Moves to the last record in the user file. <Esc> ..... Closes the user list window and returns to the user editor, positioned on the first record in the user file. <Enter> ..... Closes the user list window and returns to the user editor, positioned on the user record you were on in the user list window. <1...9> ..... Begin typing the record number you want to go to in the user file. A window will appear showing you the number as you type it. Press <ENTER> to jump to the record you have entered, or <ESC> to return to the user list. <A...Z> ..... Begin typing a name or part of a name to search for in the user file. This activates the search dialog window. Once you have entered the name you want to search for, press <ENTER> to begin the search. You can press <ESC> at any point during the search, to abort the search and return to the user list. If the search finds a record matching what you entered, you can press <ENTER> to edit that record, or press <Alt-N> to find the next occurrence of your search criteria. <Alt-F> ..... Activates a window asking if you want to enable the user list filter. If you select "No", you are returned to the user list. If you select "Yes", the user list filter dialog window is activated. By filling in various items in the filter dialog, you can limit the scope of the user records displayed in the user list. Once a filter is in effect, only the user records matching the filter condition are displayed in the user list. You can then move thru the records displayed, editing them and using any other user list keys as you normally would. To disable a filter, press <Alt-F> and select "No" when asked "Enable filter?". Closing the user editor also cancels any filter in effect. <Alt-G> ..... Activates a window asking what user record you want to go to in the user list. Either enter a number and press <ENTER> to go to that user record, or press <ESC> to return to the user list. <Alt-S> ..... Activates the search dialog window. Once you have entered the name you want to search for press <ENTER> to begin the search. You can press <ESC> at any point during the search, to abort the search and return to the user list. If the search finds a record matching what you entered, you can press <ENTER> to edit that record or press <Alt-N> to find the next occurrence of your search criteria. <Alt-N> ..... Finds the next occurrence (if any) of search criteria specified with the <Alt-S> (search) option (above).
Searches for the next user-record matching the search criteria specified with <Alt-S>.
Toggles the Password Hide/UnHide option when viewing user records. The character that is displayed when passwords are hidden is defined in PROCFG, [F1] Options, System Options, in the “Password Display” field. When viewing a user record where the password is hidden, simply press <ENTER> when positioned on the hidden password, and ProBoard will display the user's password in a window.
Restore User Record. If you are editing a user's record and change your mind, you can use this option to restore the user record to it's original values.
Searches for a user-record. You may optionally specify either part of, or the full name of the user you are searching for. The search uses “fuzzy” logic, meaning that it will find user names containing strings that are close to what you type. How accurate the fuzzy search is depends on the setting in PROCFG, [F1] Options, System Options, in the “FuzzySearch Rate” field.
Validate User. Opens a window containing any validation templates defined in the PROCFG, [Shift-F6] Validate Template Editor. (Refer to the “Configuration” section of this manual under “Validate Template Editor” for more information on setting up your templates.) Select one of the templates, and ProBoard will update the user record with the values defined in the template, asking you for confirmation first. Press <ESC> at any point during the validation to abort the validation.
Opens a secondary window containing additional information about the current user. Once this window is displayed, you may display/edit the following items.
When you have found the user-record you are looking for, move between the fields by using the arrow keys. To edit a field, just move the selector to that field and begin typing.
A user record has the following fields:
User Name
User's name.
Each user can have a unique 'alias' (nickname). In selected message areas, the user can use this alias to write messages or (if enabled) can login using this alias.
User's password.
City the user lives in.
State the user lives in.
Country the user lives in.
Address 1
Users address, line 1 of 3
Address 2
Users address, line 2 of 3
Address 3
Users address, line 3 of 3
Forward To
(not implemented yet)
User's security level (ranging from 0 to 64000). A 0 (zero) means that the user has NO access to the BBS.
User's flags. Edit them by pressing <Enter>, and then pressing any character ranging from A thru Z and 1 thru 6 to toggle that flag. Press the <F1> key to view/edit any flag definitions for your BBS.
Expiration Date
When this date is specified (non-zero), the user's security level will drop to the level specified in the “Expiration Level” field (below).
Expiration Level
The new security level assigned to a user when the “Expiration Date” (if other than 0) is reached.
Expiration Flags On
User flags to turn on when expiration date is reached.
Expiration Flags Off
User flags to turn off when expiration date is reached.
This field allows you to enter comments about this particular user.
Voice Phone
User's voice phone number (not restricted to a certain layout).
Data Phone
User's data number (if any).
FAX Phone
User's FAX number (if any).
Birth Date
The date of birth of this user. This will be recorded if you turn on the option to ask new users for their birth date upon initial login. Directly to the right of the birth date field is a number in brackets. This number is the users age, as calculated by ProBoard based on the date entered into the birth date field. If you change the users birth date, you must save the record in order for the calculation of the users age to take place.
User's sex. Toggle options with the space bar.
Date Format
The date format this user prefers to use. Toggle through the allowable formats by pressing the right-arrow and left-arrow while positioned on this field.
Screen Height
Number of screen lines for this user.
Default Protocol
The default file transfer protocol this user has selected.
The language file the user selected from the list of available languages on your BBS. If no languages are available or the user pressed <ENTER> when asked to select a language then ENGLISH is used as the default. You can edit the users language selection but you must type the language name.
Log Level
The way in which entries about this users calls will be written to PROBOARD.LOG Use the Space Bar to toggle between “Normal”, “Suspicious”,“Extensive”, and “Friend”.
Users Terminal Setting. Press the <Spacebar> to toggle between “ANSI”, “Avatar”, “Avt/0+”, and “TTY”.
NetMail Credit
Number of credits the user has left to write Netmail messages.
First Call
The date of the user's first call to your system. This field is display only.
Last Call
The date of this users last call to your system. This field is display only.
If this is set to “Yes”, this users record will be removed from your user file the next time you run PBUTIL UP (User Packer) to pack the user file.
More Prompt
Pause after each screen page?
Clear Screen
Send screen clearing codes to the user?
Hot Keys
Hot Keys enabled? If set to “Yes” user can hot key thru your menus. If set to “No” then command-stacking will be used instead.
If set to “Yes” all IBM-specific characters will be filtered out and converted to standard ASCII. If set to “No” then IBM characters will be sent.
Full Screen Editor
If set to “Yes”, then the fullscreen message editor (defined in PROCFG, F1, Paths, Editor Command) will be used when this user enters messages. If set to “No” then ProBoard will use it's internal line editor instead.
If set to “Yes” the user's record CAN NOT be removed from the userfile when using PBUTIL UK (User Killer) or PBUTIL UP (User Packer).
Ignore Download
Does this user have UNLIMITED download access? If set to “Yes”, ProBoard will ignore download limits for this user.
If set to “Yes”, ProBoard will play the file “ATTEN.MUS” when this user logs on. The file “ATTEN.MUS” must be located in your ProBoard System Directory (usually C:\PB).
No Tops
If set to “Yes”, then this user will be excluded from any of the “tops” lists that ProBoard creates. (Refer to Menu Function 48 for more info).
If enabled, ProBoard will hide this users activity from the “Last Callers List”
(Menu Function 51), "Show Users Online" (Menu Function 50), and from the "User List (Menu Function 13).
Allows this user to have “guest account” status. This means their daily totals for minutes online, files downloaded, etc., will be reset on each call of the day, and not just on their first call of each day.
Free Chat
If set to “Yes”, ProBoard will freeze the system timer when you and this user are chatting. This means no time will be deducted from a users online time when chatting.
Local Only
If enabled, this user is not allowed to log in remotely, they can only use the local console to login.
If set to “Yes” then RIP graphics will be sent to this user. If set to “No” RIP graphics will not be sent to the user even if RIP is detected.