(*) ** Replaced by an asterisk ('*') *# Replaced by the node number. *\ Sends the message "SysOp is shelling..." to the user before the shell is executed, and the message "SysOp has returned..." afterwards. *! Freezes ProBoard's system timer when shelling. *= Do not call any fossil functions when shelling. Great for use in INIT.PEX files. *A Writes a user's handle (alias) to DORINFOx.DEF instead of his/her real name. *B Current baud rate. *C Replaced by the full name & path of the command interpreter. It is the contents of the environment variable "COMSPEC". This usually is C:\COMMAND.COM. *D Writes a full 52-line DOOR.SYS drop file to the current directory before shelling. *E Writes an RA 1.1x EXITINFO.BBS to the current directory before shelling and reads it back afterwards. ProBoard creates an RA 2.xx by default so if you need the older EXITINFO.BBS format be sure to specify the *E Parameter. *F User's first name. *G Indicates whether user has ANSI (1) or ASCII (0) set. *H Tells ProBoard not to disable the fossil driver when shelling. *I Maximum user-inactivity (seconds). *J Displays configured BBS name. *K Displays current version of ProBoard. *L User's last name. *M ProBoard's start-up directory (including trailing '\') *N Shell will NOT be logged in PROBOARD.LOG. *O (not zero!) is replaced by the path of the current file area. *P Com-port used by ProBoard (1-8). *Q Don't let user know that ProBoard is shelling (!). *R User's record number in USERS.BBS. *S ProBoard's system directory (incl. trailing '\') *T Time left for the user today (minutes). *U Displays current user's handle (alias). *V Disables adding 2 to the graphics capability line in DORINFOx.DEF when the user has AVATAR enabled. *W Runs the shell in a window , so the status on the last line will not be cleared. This option only works with programs that send their output to the standard output device (no direct screen writes). *X ALWAYS SWAP to disk/EMS, even if swapping is disabled in ProCFG. *Y DO NOT SWAP to disk/EMS. *Z Execute the command as if you typed it from the command line. The main use for this option is to execute DOS batch files. It is exactly the same as entering "*C /C <command>". It can also be useful to execute programs that are located in your path, without having to specify the exact directory name. *_ (asterisk underscore) Tells ProBoard not to write underscores instead of spaces when writing a user's last name in DORINFOx.DEF. For example, users name is Harvey Van Hooten. Without this parameter, users name will be written to DORINFOx.DEF as follows: HARVEY VAN_HOOTEN By using the *_ (asterisk underscore) the users name will be written to DORINFOx.DEF as follows: HARVEY VAN HOOTEN (with no underscore in last name) *0 (zero) ProBoard will write a DORINFO1.DEF instead of a DORINFO<node>.DEF - great for running doors which require a DORINFO1.DEF file on a multi node ProBoard system. *1 Installs a timer-function when shelling, which continuously redisplays the user's status line on the first screenline. This can be used with ALL programs. (Works great most full- screen protocols!) *2 Same as *1, but uses the bottom screenline (try this with QuickEd or GEdit!)
Suppose ProBoard is in directory D:\PB.