Included with ProBoard is the ProBoard Software Development Kit (SDK). It consists of the files PB_SDK.H, PB_SDK.OBJ and PB_SDK.LIB.
The SDK allows C and C++ programmers to write extensions to ProBoard. The ProBoard Software Development Kit is bundled with ProBoard as free software. This means that you may use it to write extensions for ProBoard.
The extensions you can write for ProBoard are called “PEX” (ProBoard Executable) files. You may distribute any ProBoard PEX files you write royalty free.
Any PEX files you create with the SDK are run from within ProBoard using Menu Function 60 (Run ProBoard SDK file).
For more information on using the ProBoard Software Development Kit (SDK) and the functions that it contains, please refer to the file included with this release of ProBoard, called “PB220SDK.DOC”.