ProBoard allows you to easily validate users on your BBS using the values defined here in the Validate Template Editor.
The Validate Template Editor makes validation of your new users with any desired security level, loglevel, or combination of flag settings, and complete subscription support very easy.
Once your templates have been defined, all you need to do to validate a user using the templates, is to press <ALT-V> while positioned on their record in the User Editor. Then, simply select which validation template you want to apply.
Before you can use your validation templates, you must first define them. This is done here, in the Validate Template Editor.
To add a validation template, press <Alt-A>. You can also press <F1> for help at any time while in the Validate Template Editor.
The following keys can be used while in the Validate Template Editor.
Page Up
Go to the previous record in the template editor.
Page Down
Go to the next record in the template editor.
Go to first template record.
Go to last template record.
Leave the template editor.
Add a template record.
Toggles the current template record for deletion.
Show/Edit your flag descriptions.
Shows a list of all currently defined templates.
Searches currently defined templates by descriptions.
Searches for next record containing matching description as in previous search.
The following fields make up a template “record” in ProBoard's Validate Template Editor:
This is the description for this template. Be sure to describe your templates so you remember what security level they assign to a user at a later time when you validate them using the templates.
Security Level
This is the security level you want assigned to a user when validating them using this template.
How many days of “subscription” access a user will receive when validated using this template. ProBoard will use this value to calculate the Expiration Date in the users record.
Expiration Level
The security level you want to assign when the users subscription level reaches the Expiration Date.
Timebank Time
How many minutes of time you want to place into the users time bank account.
Timebank Kbyte
How many KBytes of file credit you want to place into the users time bank account.
Netmail Credit
How many netmail credits the user should receive when validated.
Validate Msg
Name of the file containing the validation text (for TheUser).
Validation Flags On
The flags to enable in a users record when validating them using this template.
Validation Flags Off
The flags to disable in a users record when validating them using this template.
Expiration Flags On
The flags to enable when a user reaches their expiration level.
Expiration Flags Off
The flags to disable when a user reaches their expiration level.
A comment to place in the users record when validating them using this template.
What loglevel to assign a user when validating them using this template. Use the <Space Bar> to cycle through the choices.
f enabled, ProBoard will hide this users activity from the Last Callers list (Function 51), Show Users Online Function 50), and from the display of the User List (Function 13).
No Tops
If set to “Yes”, then this user will be excluded from any of the “Tops” lists that ProBoard creates. Refer to Menu Function 48 for more info.
If set to “Yes”, ProBoard will play the file ATTEN.MUS when this user logs on. The file ATTEN.MUS must be in your ProBoard System Directory (usually C:\PB).
If set to “Yes” the user's record CAN NOT be removed from the userfile when using PBUTIL UK (User Killer) or PBUTIL UP (User Packer).
Ignore Download
Does this user have UNLIMITED download access? If set to “Yes”, ProBoard will ignore download limits for this user.
If this is set to “Yes”, this means this Template Record is marked for deletion and will be cleared from your list of templates as soon as you leave the Validate Template Editor.