Almost all standard library functions are supported. Note that all functions that write to the standard output device (printf, putchar,…) write their output to the ProBoard window and to the user (through the modem). Functions that read from the standard input device and from the keyboard are NOT supported. (scanf,getch,gets,…) We provide substitutes for these functions.
Functions supported:
fopen, freopen, fseek, ftell, fgets, fgetc, fflush, fclose, fputs, getc, getchar, gets, fputc, putc, putchar, puts, fread, fwrite, printf, fprintf, vfprintf, vprintf, sprintf, vsprintf, setbuf, setvbuf, remove, rename, rewind, clearerr, feof, isalpha, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit, toupper, tolower, int86x, intdos, intdosx, dos_findfirst, dos_findnext, write, open, creat, close, unlink, chsize, dup, dup2, lseek, access, filesize, filelength, isatty, atoi, atol, strtol, rand, srand, calloc, free, malloc, realloc, putenv, getenv, abs, labs, memcpy, memmove, strcpy, strncpy, strcat, strncat, memcmp, strcmp, strncmp, memchr, strchr, strcspn, strpbrk, strrchr, strspn, strstr, strtok, memset, strlen, memicmp, stpcpy, strcmpl, strnicmp, strdup, strlwr, strupr, strnset, strrev, strset, swab, strncmpl, strnicmp, clock, time, mktime, asctime, ctime, localtime, gmtime, strftime, sleep, usleep, msleep, difftime, mkdir, chdir, rmdir, fileno, getcurdir, getdisk, _dos_getftime, _dos_setftime.
For information on these functions, consult your compiler's library reference manual.
In the string output functions (printf and puts), you can use the following control codes in your string:
\001 or \x01 Set output color to red :::: :::: :::: :::: \007 or \x07 Set output color to white \x11 to \x17 Same as \1 to \7, but blinking colors \t Stops output of string until user presses [Enter] \f Clears the user's screen (if enabled in the user's record)
NOTE: Do NOT include any standard include files from your compiler. The only include file you can use is PB_SDK.H. THAT'S IT!!