Included with ProBoard is a PEX which allows you to perform local file transfer (to/from your own hard disk). This PEX is called LOC_PROT.PEX and should be located in your ProBoard PEX directory.
The protocol is already configured in the PROTOCOL.PRO file that comes with ProBoard. If you have upgraded from an earlier version of ProBoard, you can add the protocol manually.
This is how you should set it up:
================================================================== Protocol Name: Local Download Protocol Hotkey : L Batch : Yes Efficiency: 100 % Enabled : Yes Both-way : No Local only: Yes Bimodem : No Log-file : DSZLOG.TXT Control-file : DSZCTL.TXT Download cmd : @LOC_PROT D @@<STARTDIR>@DSZCTL.TXT Upload cmd : @LOC_PROT U # Downl. string: # Upload string: Downl. keyw. : D Upload keyw. : U File word nr : 1 ==================================================================